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StopWinUpdates v2.3

1- Windows update service set to manual by default
2- Store and Edge and Defender are working
3- Windows update page in settings will show a blank page in Windows 10 1607 or older it's normal
4- Disabling update will auto hide Windows Update page in settings so it will now open Windows Defender (Security) instead in Win10 1703 or newer
5- If you used any tool to disable updates, you must use same tool to enable it, to reset the permissions!
6- You need to restart after enable or disable updates
7- Option to disable or enable Auto Update Store Apps (Win10)
8- Option to Set Windows Defender (Security) to Update Every 6 Hours (Win8.1/Win10)
9- Option to Disable or Enable Automatic Device Driver Installation
10- Disable or Enable Auto Downloading Language Related Components (Win10)

11- Option to Disable or Enable Automatic Offline Maps Download
12- Command line switches: Auto install with Progress Only "/SILENT" Or Completely Silent "/VERYSILENT"
If you want to do a custom install /COMPONENTS="a\Enable" or /COMPONENTS="a\Disable"
If you want to enable or disable Auto Update Store Apps /COMPONENTS="b\EnableStoreApps" or /COMPONENTS="b\DisableStoreApps"
If you want to enable or disable Set Windows Defender (Security) to Update Every 6 Hours /COMPONENTS="c\EnableDefender" or /COMPONENTS="c\DisableDefender"
If you want to enable or disable Automatic Device Driver Installation /COMPONENTS="d\EnableDriver" or /COMPONENTS="d\DisableDriver"
If you want to enable or disable Automatic Offline Maps Download /COMPONENTS="e\DisableMaps" or /COMPONENTS="e\EnableMaps"

Example: StopWinUpdates.exe /VERYSILENT /COMPONENTS="a\Disable,b\DisableStoreApps,c\EnableDefender,d\DisableDriver,e\DisableMaps" /NORESTART
13- Enjoy!

V2.3 Notes:
- Windows Defender task will be created in Microsoft location so the task can still exist when creating a new user


Additional notes:
1- What made me make this tool is to disable updates while store apps download/install works
2- I don't recommend disabling windows update service while it will be needed while installing some programs that will need to install needed updates if they not included in the system, also some Visual C++ do the same ( Normal user wont know what we talking about so it's better to disable update without making another problem for him )
3- This tool don't replace any system files, it's all about editing registry/Disabling services/editing permissions
4- If you will use this tool to disable updates you must use it to enable it before using any other tools, Same with other tools
6- This tool tested in non updated systems, some updates may effect "Update & Security" in win10 1607 or older keep closing, as a workground for old Win10 Builds you can search for the settings you want or you can create a shortcut like ms-settings:windowsdefender more info here

If you have any feedback you can report it at MDL here>>

Size: 770 KB

Download from MirrorCreator.com

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